For a full listing of all of my recipes request at Click on any recipe. I would like to adapt interesting recipes to ensure kashrut. Questions should always be raised with a competent rabbi or organization. If I miss something, please forgive me. Yours truly, Moshe.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


2-4 salmon fillets
1/4 cup Dijon mustard
Chopped fresh mild herbs
Salt and pepper
1 medium(minced) red onions
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1/2 cup white wine (or favorite drinking wine)
Extra virgin olive oil
Casserole dish
Non-stick frying pan

This only works with large fresh herbal leaves, which are hand chopped: Preheat the frying pan, should be non-stick surface, lightly spray only if you have to. For the salmon: Evenly coat each side of the fillets with the Dijon mustard with a brush. In a large enough casserole dish, roll the salmon in the chopped herbs, coat and crust each side of the salmon in the frying pan completely. Season with salt and pepper. Preheat oven (a small counter top oven will do fine) to 450. Drizzle a pan liberally with EVO and place salmon fillets skin side down, if still on, in EVO. Throw the rest of the ingredients, minced onions and garlic, and wine on the salmon, then bake for 15-20 minutes or until you feel it is cooked. Serve on rice or on salad.

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