For a full listing of all of my recipes request at Click on any recipe. I would like to adapt interesting recipes to ensure kashrut. Questions should always be raised with a competent rabbi or organization. If I miss something, please forgive me. Yours truly, Moshe.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Raisin-Stout Loaves

6 oz water
4 oz stout or other dark beer, at room temperature
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tbsp EVO oil
1 tbsp honey
3/4c golden raisins
9 oz Whole Wheat flour
9 oz Better for Bread flour
6 oz whole-grain rye flour
1/2c coarsely chopped walnuts
1 tbsp dry Baker’s yeast
Cooking spray

In order given above, place ingredients through yeast into ABM (let raisins soak for a few minutes), and turn on dough cycle. On a clean dry floured surface, turn out the dough. Shape into two oval-shaped loaves and make 3 (1/4-inch-deep) diagonal cuts across top of each loaf using a sharp knife. Place the loaves in a 225° oven until doubled in size. Bake the loaves in the same oven by raising the temperature to 350° for 30-40 minutes or until browned on bottom and sound hollow when tapped. Cool on a wire rack 30 minutes before slicing. These hearty oval-shaped breads are delicious served with the slightly sweetened Whipped Butter. Use Guinness for the dough, but you can substitute another dark beer, such as Newcastle Brown Ale, if desired.

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